Thursday, February 21, 2013

Give A Pretzel To Your Sweetheart: A Luxembourg Tradition

Sylvie, my dear customer from Luxembourg, was kind enough to share her story of the Lenten pretzel tradition of her country ...
"Give A Pretzel To Your Sweetheart"
To mark the half-way point of Lent, or “Halleffaaschten,” Luxembourg men traditionally give their sweethearts an almond pretzel to receive a chocolate egg in return on Easter Sunday. The pretzels are made from a Danish pastry dough, decorated with almonds. They can also be filled with nuts or chocolate. Tradition has it that men give their sweetheart a pretzel for Bretzelsonndeg, the Sunday four weeks after the start of Lent. Should the woman in question wish to return the sentiment, she will give a chocolate egg to the man on Easter Sunday. However, on leap year, roles are reversed and it is the woman's turn to gift the sweet pastry.
Thanks, girlfriend! It is interesting that your pretzel is sweet, unlike here in the US, where it is covered with salt and often eaten with beer.
Here is the MA16 Pretzel Lady listing in the shop...

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